The Scar Solution

How To Remove Your Acne

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Acne is an inevitable experience for most teenagers. It’s a universal enemy of most young adults and ironically a result of growing from child to adult. While it’s not entirely avoidable, there are ways to reduce one’s acne.

Dermatologists worldwide have been battling acne for years – most of them are consulted after the acne has started. And what they contribute is great expertise, medications, tips on good hygiene, and emotional support that confirms that some acne is a normal part of life. None of this helps the self-esteem or confidence of the teenager who consistently deals with a face in the mirror they don’t like. So consider some additional ways to limit the affect of acne in your life. Primarily, take care of your body. What type of food are you eating? How much sleep do you get? Do you wash with a hypoallergenic soap? These considerations are important ones. Food, for example, plays a big part in acne. Consult your dermatologist or online guide for more tips but be aware that fruits and vegetables are great for more than just healthy bones and teeth – they also lead to healthy skin. Similarly, watch your intake of sugar and manufactured products with heavy oil or fat.

Another preventative measure is to review and sample Proactiv, Clearasil, and other acne prevention or removal products and see if any of them work for you. Depending on your skin type, the type of acne you have, or how your body responds to different forms of medication, these products may have a selective benefit for you.

Finally, take care of your insides. No matter what effect acne has on your outside appearance during your teen years, only you can determine how you feel about your appearance and your looks. I’m not trying to minimize the emotional affect of acne, especially if some of the scars are permanent, but appearance alone is still only one factor that contributes to one’s confidence and ultimately their enjoyment of and success in life. If you can regularly look in the mirror and say “I like myself” or “I like who I’m becoming”, acne will never determine your sense of self. Do your best to prevent or reduce acne’s affect on your physical appearance, and don’t forget to take care of your inner self as well.

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About Acne Getting The Most From Your Doctor

By Ahmed Hajouj.

There’s nothing trivial about having acne problems. If you are one of the millions that suffer from acne outbreaks, you know that it can be uncomfortable and even sometimes devastating to someone who is seriously afflicted. As you consider treatment options, you may want the professional help of a physician or dermatologist. These highly trained specialists can be invaluable in helping you achieve clear skin again. While they are not magicians who can make your acne disappear overnight, they can be essential in diagnosing and treating you so that you don’t have to suffer any longer than necessary.

It is important to remember a few things when visiting a skin care specialist. Because there are so many people in the world that suffer from acne outbreaks, dermatologists are often very busy with lots of clients. Don’t let this vex you; a doctor is concerned about your condition and wants to help you. Here are some things that you can do to maximize your visit when you see them. Having effective doctor visits will help you overcome your acne sooner and also help you save money and time.

First, don’t be afraid to ask questions about your condition. Remember, we are all different, so a treatment that is highly effective with one person is not necessarily what is going to work for you. Knowledge about the particulars of your condition will help you better understand the condition you are trying to overcome. You may even want to write down any specific questions you may have to make sure you cover all the topics you want to know about.

The most important aspect of having an effective doctor visit is good communication. By keeping some facts or aspects about your condition from the dermatologist, you are only hurting yourself by giving them an incomplete knowledge of the facts. The doctor can only base his diagnosis on what you have told him, so try to be thorough with the details about your acne. Tell them how long your acne has been affecting you, what other treatments you’ve attempted to do before, what worsens your condition, and any other factors that you think may apply. Tell them how your acne is affecting you emotionally and socially, as mental health is synonymous with your physical health.

Once your doctor and you have discussed your condition, make sure that you fully understand what they will be doing in regards to your treatment. Be sure to understand the correct way to apply the treatment, how long the treatment will last, and how long it will be before you begin to see results. Also, be sure and find out if there are any side effects that go along with the use of the treatment; this will help you be better prepared for any occurrences or problems that may arise. Schedule a follow-up appointment with the doctor and discuss what the status of your condition should be when you return. If you are knowledgeable about the treatment and looking for the desired results, you will know sooner whether your current method is working or not.

Remember that there are many treatments available that work better or worse for different people. Don’t be discouraged if the first method you try does not attain the desired results. Be patient and work with your doctor and you will soon be able to find the most effective treatment that is right for you.

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Acne Power Treatments For Every Age

By Ahmed Hajouj.

The creation of acne treatment products are on the rise and it’s no wonder. With nearly 17 million people suffering from the disorder, in the United States alone, it is easily one of the most common skin diseases. A disorder that results when hormones react to your skin’s sebaceous glands, acne is a severely embarrassing and potentially disfiguring disorder that can cause deep scarring and emotional distress. Naturally, a slew of new treatment options are available, including over the counter (OTC), prescription drugs and more to help combat this skin disorder.

Even for very severe cases, treatments are available to help. The over the counter topical remedies (lotions, creams, gels) are not prescribed by a doctor and can be purchased at any drugstore and have been shown to be very effective. The main ingredients in these products are often benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur, which do help in clearing up acne most of the time. 

Several types of prescription topical medicines include benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, adapalene, and azelaic acid. These can work well also, however some people develop side effects including stinging, burning, redness, peeling, scaling, or discoloration of the skin. 

Then there are non-prescription products like Acuzine that come in pill form and contain Co-Enzyme Q-10, vitamin E, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Aloe Vera and other natural antioxidant ingredients. They work at the problem from the inside out, similar to antibiotics and usually have a minimum of side effects. 

One common prescription medication is called Accutane. Many people have seen excellent results with this product, however there are side effects for some people. These include upset stomach, dizziness or lightheadedness, changes in skin color, and dry skin. 

No matter what treatment you choose for your skin condition, do not expect immediate results. Most products take at least four to six weeks before you notice a significant improvement. Some take more, others may take slightly less but four to six weeks is the average wait. However, the earlier it’s treated the less chance you have of scarring and that’s got to be worth something. 

Whether you have mild or severe acne, there is a product that is right for you. Consult with your doctor, conduct your own research and in no time you will have found a perfect treatment regimen for your skin type. Soon enough, you’ll be on your way to clear skin.

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Acne And Makeup A How To Guide

Right…so your new acne medication promises fast results in 10 days, but you’ve got to face the world today. What can we do to tie over the proceeding period before the acne goes down?

Well all you need is to learn a few creative acne makeup concealing tips to help you look your very best at school, work or play.

But remember — Makeup conceals acne, it doesn’t cure it!

But you already knew that, right? Using makeup to conceal acne isn’t difficult, but there are some basic rules that you should always follow.

Your basic acne makeup toolkit

Your three acne hiding weapons will be a concealer, a foundation and a finishing powder. Stay away from the dollar store and use only brand names that you can trust.

Choose only oil-free makeup products that match your skin tone. Oil-free is the key to success here so read the labels carefully. You don’t want to aggravate your existing acne problem by layering a fresh coat of oil on skin that already has too much to begin with. Choose a hypoallergenic brand while you’re at it.

If this is the first time that you are using a new brand, test the makeup applying small dabs to a spot under your jaw to see how your skin reacts. If you are going to have a problem you’ll know within an hour or so after applying it. Nothing’s worse than adding more blotches to an already colorful face.

Before you begin

Wash your face with your normal face cleansing product and pat dry. Apply your acne medication per the instructions and let it dry throughly.

Start with the concealer

Apply the concealer in a light dabbing motion directly to any dark blotches or red areas that the acne has produced on your skin. Blend the concealer in using a disposable facial sponge. Use the concealer sparingly. You can always apply more if you need it but you don’t want to layer it on too thickly. It will look terrible when it dries.

Next, apply the foundation

Apply the foundation sparingly as well and use a light dabbing motion here too. Blend the foundation with your sponge and reapply to any areas that need it.

And now for the final touch

Apply a light layer of the oil-free powder using a large makeup brush. This will take care of any shine that the acne concealer and foundation left behind and it will give you an even and finished look.

Throw away the disposable sponges when you are through so you don’t transfer yesterday’s skin oil to tomorrow’s clean face!

Before you go to bed

Wash your face throughly to remove all makeup before you go to bed, but preferably as soon as you can after you return home. You want your skin to breath and your acne to get as much fresh air as possible.

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Acne Program Step 3 Relieve Your Constipation With A Three Day Mini Juice Fast

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Getting your bowels moving and cleaning out your colon is necessary for having facial skin without blemishes or acne. By reducing the toxins in your colon, you minimize the toxins that can seep out of your facial pores and contribute to acne.

If you eat 3 meals each day, you should have at least 2 bowel movements a day. If you only have one, then you are short 1 bowel movement.

To get your bowels moving like they should, you need to, clean out what is in your colon right now. So the first day is for cleaning out your colon. The next two days is too keep cleaning the colon and to detoxify the body.

Doing a 3-day mini-fruit juice fast is the best way to start cleaning out the colon, to detoxify the blood, and rejuvenate your body. Just doing a fast for three days is not a cure all and it will require more work on your part by starting to eat more natural foods.

In her extensive book, Coking For Healthy Healing, 1991, Linda Rector-page, N.D., Ph.D., talks about what a fast does,

“Fasting works by self-digestion. During a cleanse, the body in its infinite wisdom, will decompose and burn only the substances and tissue that are damaged, diseased, or unneeded, such as abscesses, tumors, excess fat deposits, and congestive wastes. Even a relatively short fast can accelerate elimination from the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin, often causing dramatic changes as masses of accumulated waste are expelled. Live foods and juices can literally pick up dead matter from the body and carry it away.”

Day before the fast

The day before the fast, eat a large salad and two apples. This will give you plenty of fiber to scrub the walls of your colon as you move fecal matter out of your colon the following day. 

First day of colon cleanse

Do this cleanse on a Saturday, Sunday or any other day that you don’t have to go anywhere. You will be going to the bathroom all day and at times you need to be there quick.

Buy the following items.

* Organic apple juice – one gallon

* Organic apples – 6 for one day

* Organic prune juice – one quart

When you first wake up in the morning, drink,

* 8 oz of prune juice

* 10 minutes later drink another 8oz of prune juice

* 10 minutes later again drink another 8 oz of prune juice

* wait 20 minutes than drink 8 oz of apple juice

* wait 30 minutes than drink another 8 oz of apple juice

If you haven’t sped to the bathroom yet, you will in a little while.

Now you will be drink 8 oz of apple juice every hour until the end of the day. You can stop drink apple juice around 5pm.

During the day you can eat three apples in the morning and 3 apples in the evening.

This process will clean out any fecal matter that has been sitting your colon for days and gets you ready for the next step.

Second way to start the colon cleanse

Another way to start a colon cleanse is to use a product that is called “Oxy-Powder.” This product is in capsules and is used to 30 days. Simply by taking capsules everyday, you will clean out your colon and any build up along your colon walls.

You can get this product on the internet, just type in Oxy-powder.

Second day of mini fast

During the second day you can drink different kinds of juice and eat 2-6 apples. You can drink any kind of juice be it fruit or vegetable. A combination of fruit and vegetable juice is good.

Third day of mini fast

The third day is like the second day where you can drink different kinds of juice and eat 2-6 apples. You can drink any kind of juice be it fruit or vegetable. A combination of fruit and vegetable juice is good

Fourth Day, after the fast is done

After you have finished your three-day mini fast, start eating soft foods to gently adjust your system to food. Here are some of the foods you can eat:

* Baked potato

* Fruit salad

* Fruit smoothie

* Light soup

* Oatmeal, multigrain cereal

* Salad

If you are ill, not feeling good or your immune system is down, do not do this mini-fast. Wait until you feel strong. After do the mini-juice fast you are now ready for the next step in clearing your acne.

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Mabye It's Time For An Acne Diet

By Ahmed Hajouj.

If you've ever had acne, then you must know how traumatic this affliction must be if left unattended. And because this nuisance manifest in our appearance, it can erode confidence in some folks.

But make no mistake about it, the occurrence of acne is not rare phenomenon, so when its strikes, you must stop it by all means possible, and thankfully, with the awesome resource at our disposal can enable us strive for an acne free skin.

Although the correct skin care regimen and appropriate treatment methods are vital in preventing skin blemishes, it is not all about your outside. We should not neglect the internal activities of the body too. This is why acne diets are crucial.

The subject of acne diets might not be strange to you, as it concerns what you eat and how that manifest on your skin.

Some few winters ago I was in a doctor's office with my wife, who was there for a back ache assessment. During that period I had chapped lips, and had requested if the doctor had some lip balm.

Taking one quick look at me, the doctor informed me that my diet has to do with the present condition of my lips. And she explained that taking proper nutritious diets and fluids would prevent chapped lips. This surprised me, but I gave it a shot.

I have stopped using lip balms and my chapped lips are gone. The doctor's method though sounds bizarre, but it surely worked. And if can work on the lips, it means it can also be applied to the skin.

One fact most people don't know is that some substance the food we eat are excretes back through the skin pores, and this should make us realize that acne diets is crucial for some persons, and that foods such as snacks, that contains high fat and grease are the precursors of acne breakouts.

To maintain proper acne diets, you diet should include fruits, vegetables, organic products, non processed items, and plenty of water. This acne diet is highly recommended for people grappling with pimples problems.

It will certainly get rid of their skin blemishes. And if you want to know more details about acne diets, you can check the Internet.

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Is Light Therapy an Effective Acne Treatment?

Light therapy is a great blessing to those that have extreme cases of acne, as they are very successful in treating the condition without costly medications. The improvement of the treatment of chronic acne can change a person's life for the better. Self-esteem is raised and general well being is increased. Depression is lessened as confidence soars with the clearing of the acne infected area.

Light wave therapy uses a high intensity blue light. This light kills the bacteria causing the acne and may help dry up the excess oil that is a large part of the acne problem. It doesn't damage the skin as ultraviolet light can. Laser light waves target two factors that cause acne.

1 - They use heat to damage the oil glands that pour out excessive oil

2 - They work on the bacteria that is present in the pores that cause pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. These treatments cause a minimum of pain and discomfort and promote regeneration of new skin, which is useful to treat scarring.

Light therapy for acne is effective to reduce scarring and to treat the active acne as well. Light laser therapy is a localized treatment, safe, and has no adverse side affects. It's been shown to be as effective on acne problems that other medications and treatment have not done.

A sample study of 30 patients was made who suffered moderate to mild acne.  They were placed in a clinical trial and within three months, they had significant decrease in their acne outbreaks.

The treatment consists of the affected area to short bursts of light called pulse dye laser therapy. Initially used to combat wrinkles it stimulated the production of collagen. It also was used to combat scars from severe cases of acne. Doctors were brought in to look at the clinical evidence and agreed that light treatment was successful in treating live acne. A study that was recently published states that a single session of five minutes can have an effect on acne for up to twelve months.

Patients that took part in the study lost over 70 percent of their acne.  One patient's spots disappeared completely. The treatment is being widely used in private clinics and started out to be costly. As with all new technologies, the price has come down and more professionals are using light therapy in treatments for their patients.

One patient stated the treatments only take about five minutes, and with each treatment her acne was much less visible. Another benefit of using laser light therapy is that is doesn't cause any discoloration of the patient's skin. Treatment sessions can last from 5 to 20 and the patient experiences a slight stinging sensation while undergoing treatment. A topical anesthetic can be applied before the treatment and the application of ice was used after the treatment.

Light therapy is still in its infancy and has only been used in the last few years.  More work is needed to re-confirm any clinical benefits. Imagine the impact on those individuals in economical terms. Instead of continuing drug treatment, occasional light therapy treatments can be a big help who have moderate cases of acne.

If you or someone you love were afflicted with moderate to severe cases of acne, it would be worthwhile to look into light treatment. It's non-invasive and works in a shorter time than topical ointments and antibiotics. This may be the best thing to happen for acne sufferers in a long time!

Copyright 2006 Tony Buel
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