The Scar Solution

Amazingly Simple Skin Care Tips For People With Acne

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Are you searching for the best skin care method to correct an acne problem? There are, in fact, several "anti-acne" steps you can follow when caring for your skin. Most acne reducing skin care tips are inexpensive and based on common sense.

When washing your skin, do so gently. Limit these cleanings to once in the morning and once at night. (It is also wise to wash after exercise, as well.) Do NOT use strong soap or a rough scrubbing cloth, when caring for your skin. Doing so will only make your acne problem worse.

Dermatologists suggest that you should avoid the use astringents unless your skin is extremely oily. If you feel an astringent is a necessary part of your skin care regiment, use ONLY on oily areas. If you have a problem with oily hair, it is helpful to wash it daily.

It is strongly recommended that those with acne avoid frequent exposure to the sun and visits to a tanning salon. It may seem as though these two activities are helpful when practicing proper skin care, but that is untrue. The results of each are temporary. Sunburn or tanned skin only help to hide an acne problem.

Do NOT squeeze or "pop" skin blemishes. This can cause permanent scaring and the appearance of dark splotches, on the skin. (Not something you want have for the rest of your life.)

Men who have acne should use care when shaving. Either an electric or safety razor can be used. Those who choose a safety razor should always use a sharp blade and soften their beard with soap and water, before applying shaving cream.

It won't happen overnight, but as long as you are consistent, you will start to see an improvement. If you have acne, proper skin care is the first step to controlling the problem.

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